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Warhammer 40K Turnyras vasario 5d registracija
Warhammer 40K Turnyras Vasario 5d. 1750 tsk

„Life isn‘t fair“

I spent half of my life on the battlefield“, „Was part of glorious victories, was defeated without any mercy“ „And after three decades and a career from weapon-bearer till general, my conclusion is: life isn‘t fair for a militaryman“.

Life isn‘t fair for a 40K player either.....................

So you think you reached the objective and won the mission. No way my friend. The objective marker was false and besides this, booby-trapped. Result: In stead of victory, loss of half a platoon.
So you thought you could outmaneuvre those stinking Orcs with your tanks, it appeared that the whole area has anti tank mines, which were lying overthere since the times of the emperor. Result: Half of your armoured vehicles lossed, and half of your men slaughtered by orcs.
Everything looks fine, everything under control, victory under reach. And suddenly the weather changes. Heavy wind and showers of rain. (Off course straight in the face of your men) Sight of only 100 meter, tanks stuck in the mud and so on and so on. Result: a one hundred percent victory turns into a loss.......

Life isn‘t fair.............

Mission 1: Find the right objective

(Briefing at the chief commander) Chief Commander: „According to our information, the objective for what we started this war is hidden in one of these three places.“ „Go and get it“ Go to those three places and hold it till we arrive to help you“ „But sir, this is extremely dangerous. Everything is booby-trapped, and capturing the wrong objective will cause too many casualties.“ Chief commander: „That is an acceptable loss for me“ Life isn‘t fair......

Deployment: Pitche battle
Mission: Annihilation

Players play 6 rounds. Victory conditions: According to the victory points sistem of the 4th edition, plus extra points for objectives.

Special rules: On the central axis of the game board are place 3 objective markers. (12“from the edges and 24“ from each other) Any non vehicle, non monstrous creature type of unit or model which is within 3“ of the objective marker can claim the objective. Only one objective is the real objective and worth 4 extra game points. The other two occurs to be booby trapped and inflicts D3 strength 5 wounds, AP2 to any unit or model which is within 3“of it. The objectives are only revealed after the sixt round.

Mission two: Walking on a mine field and kill the HQ

(Briefing at the chief commander) Chief commander: „Your orders is to send your troops forward and to defeat those bastards“ „But sir, according to our scouts, there are minefields overthere. And because the mines are very old and of different types, we do not know a safe way to go“. Chief commander: „What do you expect: Me, myself to go???. No sir, but I will lose half of my army only in the minefields to take these enemies out of there“ Chief commander: „that is an acceptable loss to me.“
Life isn‘t fair......

Deployment: Pitched battle
Mission: Annihilation

Players play 6 rounds. Victory conditions: According to the victory points sistem of the 4th edition.

Special rules: The battlezone in the centre of the battlefield is devided in 12 squares of 12“ x 12“. As soon as a unit enters the section a D6 is thrown. Result: 3+: the area is free of mines. Result 1: the area is full of anti personel mines. Any non vehicle unit (Also monstrous creatures) entering the area gets D3, S5, AP2 hits. Every unit needs to take casualties only one time, unless at least one of the members of the unit left the area and later returned to it. (Personel in vehicles are not affected)Any unit or monstrous creature that took D3 hits, gets a cover save of 5+ that round.
Result 2: The area is full of Anti Vehicle mines. Any Vehicle entering the area needs to throw a die. On the result 1 or 2, the vehicle is immobilized. A vehicle needs to throw only once unless (a part of) the vehicle left the and later returns to it. any vehicle that had to throw a die, gets a 5+ cover save that round
Once the square has been chequed, the result of the die applies to every unit which enters the square. Square will be marked.
Every HQ killed gives 1 additional point

Mission Three: Attack under bad weather conditions.

(Briefing at the chief commander) Chief commander: „How many times I told you, we have to get these bastards out of that area before the nighfall“ „Tomorrow fresh enemies can arrive and we can start all over againBut sir, the weather forcast expects extremely changable weather. The weather conditions can change every half an hour“ Chief commander: „What is that for nonsence“ Commander: „Well you know sir, on this planet they never heard about ecology, and they polluted the air in such a way, that tropical hotness is changing to winter followed by a thunderstorm with rain
Chief commander:“So what? Since when are we afraid for a drop of rain or a snow flake?“ Commander: „But sir, you know that our leaders wanted to economize on war and since a half year started to buy lower quality tanks, uniforms and weapons.“ If it rains we will get stuck in the mud with our plastic boots, and 1/6 of our weapons cannot shoot anymore. With snow 1/3 of our vehicles will stop working. To attack the enemy now, will cost us 50% of my man, and even worse: at least 75% of my vehicles and equipment.“ Chief commander: „That is an acceptable loss to me
Life isn‘t fair.

Deployment: Pitched battle
Mission: Annihilation

Players play 6 rounds. Victory conditions: According to the victory points sistem of the 4th edition.

Special rules: At the beginning of every round one of the players throws a die.
3+: The weather is just fine, perfect day for a battle.
2: It is raining cats and dogs. It looks like you can drown in the rain. Movement is restricted to 5“ for infantry units, 10“ for any non vehicle, non monstrous creature unit with a move of 12“. Monstrous creatures and vehicles can move only 2/3 of its normal move. Run or fleet is lowered with 2“ (D6-2)
1: It is snowing, like you have never see it snowing.
All movement is halved. All shooting range are halved.
Redagavo uruk-hai 2011-01-13 15:56
1750 tasku.
- Zaidziama ant 6‘ x 4‘ lentos - Proxi/ scratchbuild figureles neleidziama
- Wargear pageidautinai originalai (bet nebutinai) .
- Spec characteriu leidziama
- 3 musiai
- Vienas musis: 2,5 valandos gryno zaidimo laikas,
- Tasku skaicavimo systema:
Uz pralaimejima su wipe out: 10 tasku
Uz pralaimejima: 15 tasku
Uz draw: 20 tasku
Uz laimejima 30 tasku
Uz laimejima su wipe out: 35 taskai
Taskus uz dazyma: uz kiekviena 300 tasku pilnai nudazyta: 1 taska. (Pilnai nudazyta reiskia minimalai 4 spalvos.)
Turime tik 14 vietu

Dalyvai turi tureti su savim:
- Kauliuku komplektas
- Templates
- Matuokle
- Taisyklu knygos kopija
- Savo rases armybook
- 2 armylistai. (vienam sau, kitam organizatoriui)
Dalyvavimo mokestis 10 lt

Armylistus nereikia atsiusti is anksto

Laiko schema:
10.30 - 10.45 registracija
10.45 burtu traukimas pirmam turui
10.50 pirma turo paruosimas. (priesininkai turi aiskai papasakoti savo armijos ypatingumus. (Wargear, armoursave, ir t.t)
11.00 Pirmo turo pradzia.
13.30 pirmo turo pabaiga

13.45 antro turo paruosimas
14.00 antro turo pradzia
16.30 antro turo pabaiga

16.45 trecio turo paruosimas
17.00 trecio turo pradzia
19.30 trecio turo pabaiga
19.45 Prizu dalinimas

I laika ziuresime gan grieztai. 10 minuciu iki turo pabaigos nebegalima pradeti nauja “turn”. Jeigu zaidimo laikas baigasi ir vienas zaidejas gavo 1 “turn” maziau, jis dar gaus papildomai lygai 5 minutes savo ‘turn” daryti ar uzbaigti.

1 Vaider Space Marines
2 Rokas Chaos Space Marines
3 Audrius Imperial guard
4 Marijus Space Marines
5 Rudolfas Chaos Space marines
6 Ratliker Tyranids
7 Lukas Deamon Hunters
8 Drakar Black Templars
9 Rokas888 Tyranids
10 Kasperloo Orks
11 Imperial Chaos Space Marines
12 Eretik Orks
13 Sir Viscious Blood Angels
Redagavo uruk-hai 2011-01-29 12:14
Jėga, dalyvausiu.

- Nera tasku uz dazyma.

Taskus uz dazyma: uz kiekviena 300 tasku pilnai nudazyta: 1 taska. (Pilnai nudazyta reiskia minimalai 4 spalvos.)

tai kuris variantas?:))
Redagavo Vaider 2011-01-07 13:38
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts
Vaider parašė:
Jėga, dalyvausiu.

- Nera tasku uz dazyma.

Taskus uz dazyma: uz kiekviena 300 tasku pilnai nudazyta: 1 taska. (Pilnai nudazyta reiskia minimalai 4 spalvos.)

tai kuris variantas?:))

Jau pataisyta. (copy/past problema. :p) Aciu uz pastabuma.
Manyciau orgranizavimo (ir nesaziningo zaidimo preventing prasme) pirmos misijos objective butu parasciau po 6 turno issirinki kuria nors stalo puse nuo kurios skaiciuoti objectives. Abu playeriai meta d3, iskritus dublikatams vienas zaidejas permeta kol metimai yra skirtingi, ir sitie iskrite objectivai yra decoy ir daro numatyta zala.
Batma parašė:
Manyciau orgranizavimo (ir nesaziningo zaidimo preventing prasme) pirmos misijos objective butu parasciau po 6 turno issirinki kuria nors stalo puse nuo kurios skaiciuoti objectives. Abu playeriai meta d3, iskritus dublikatams vienas zaidejas permeta kol metimai yra skirtingi, ir sitie iskrite objectivai yra decoy ir daro numatyta zala.

Planavau daryti objectives, kuris viena puse vienodai ir kita puse su kaukuoles zenkla arba Objective zenkla. Tada tik zaidimo gale, kada atverciama objectives aisku kuris yra tikra objective. Bet tavo pasiulymas daug paprasciau.... Aciu:)
Hi. Faina kad turniras. Busiu uz tyranidus.
Palaikau Batmos pasiulima del mission 1.
Mission 3 prastos oro salygos turetu duot cover save vietoj weapon range reduction. butu labiau balansuota ir labiau atitiktu zaidimo mechanika.
Siulau 6/5+ uz kates ir 5/4+ uz snieko puga.
beje run vietoj d6" tampa fiksuoti 2" teisingai?
Mission 2 kaip planuojama zimet tuos 12x12" kvadratus?
man atrodo bu hemorojus su jais. beje neaisku:
ar meti daisa once/unit/kvadrata ar once/kvadrata?
pavizdziui bikeriu unitas per muva pervaziavo 2 kvadratus o po to uzasultino i trecia. jis 3 kartus meta testa?
po to kai pirmas unitas iejo i kvadrata ir sakikim ismete antitank, ten dedamas counteris kad tem antitank ar kitas iejes unitas gali ten rast antipers/nieko?
Also mission 2 akivaizdziai favors gunlines, kuriems niekur eit nereikia. subalansavimui siulau i minefieldus pridet secondari objectives arba padaryt kad ten kila dumai/daug krateriu ir kas minefieldiniam kvadrate turi 6/5+ koveri.
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]
Heh, man tai ir standartinės rūlbukinės misijos tiktų, tik aišku kartu su victory pointais..:)
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts
Prirasykit mane. !!!!!!daemon hunters!!!!!!
[center]The daemon has many forms. You must know them all.[/center]
misijos siek tiek pataisyta.
uzregistruokit ir mane prasau
zaisiu uz

"To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them."
Dead eye
Dalyvausiu: TYRANIDS
aaa why not dalivausiu ;orks

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Plz NEPAKEISKIT Annihilation i misijas su objectais. Pagailekit
Redagavo lukas8888 2011-01-22 17:17
[center]The daemon has many forms. You must know them all.[/center]
orku bus
Ant antros misijos,tikimybe kad kazkas blogo (immobilized) atsitiks Vehicle
yr 1/27 ,o anti personel kas 1/6 karta ishnesh beweik 2Terninatorius.
Ar man wienam atrodo kad Vehicle'al per gerai ir reiktu subalansuoti rizika?

Ir klausimas,jei deploy'inies i zona ir ten pasirodo yr Mines ,tai reik mesti dmg ishkart ar tik jei noresi move'int?

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Imperialas parašė:
Ant antros misijos,tikimybe kad kazkas blogo (immobilized) atsitiks Vehicle
yr 1/27 ,o anti personel kas 1/6 karta ishnesh beweik 2Terninatorius.
Ar man wienam atrodo kad Vehicle'al per gerai ir reiktu subalansuoti rizika?

Ir klausimas,jei deploy'inies i zona ir ten pasirodo yr Mines ,tai reik mesti dmg ishkart ar tik jei noresi move'int?

pagal mano skaiciavimas vehiclems yra tikimybe 1/18. Tai yra padaryta del to kad vehiclems nuostolis vidutiniskai skaudensne negu infantry.

Damage reikia is karto mesti jeigu deploy'inies i zona.
Taip 1/18..fail
Wistiek atrodo per gerai.

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Na apskritai jei jau ten prieštankinės minos, tai turėtų kurkas lengviau daryt žalą vehiclam, ar daugiau jos. Logiškiau būtų išvis daryt tam tikro strengtho hitus, gi mina taip pat lengvai kokio Lan Raiderio nėturėtų sugadint kaip orkų trukko..:)
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts