hi for last few weeks i couldn't enter this website. I thought website just blow up! But while i am using my friend's computer and surfing in net i click the link of website and anti-virus website gave warning but i ignored it and surprisingly i could enter website!
Do you know the reason?
For Khan and Emperor!
parašė 2012-12-22 21:48
Žinutės: 1592 Prisijungė: 2011-12-03
Maybe the antivirus was not up to date or set to high of security. I using Avast and never had such a problem.
Viskas prasideda nuo idėjos!
Warmachine/Hordes: Cygnar Flames of War: Germans X-Wing: Rebels
parašė 2012-12-22 22:07
Žinutės: 22 Prisijungė: 2012-08-08
But with my own computer i got no access to this website!! May be Siauliai university blocked this website....
For Khan and Emperor!
parašė 2012-12-22 22:42
Žinutės: 1592 Prisijungė: 2011-12-03
Can be, that university blocks some pages
Viskas prasideda nuo idėjos!
Warmachine/Hordes: Cygnar Flames of War: Germans X-Wing: Rebels
parašė 2012-12-22 23:28
Žinutės: 22 Prisijungė: 2012-08-08
may be....but it is quite interesting if they did!