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WarGames » Wargames - mass battle » Warhammer 40K
Peticija GW
Kaskoks gerasis zmogus pradejo akcija - Peticijos GW rasimas.
pagrindynis peticijos punktas:
"Refocus your business model on the sale of a game and support of a gaming community vice the pure sale of collectible miniatures. "

Peticijos tinklalapis cia https://www.change.org/p/games-workshop-limited-refocus-your-business-model-on-the-sale-of-a-game-and-support-of-a-gaming-community-vice-the-pure-sale-of-collectible-miniatures#share

Kvieciu prisidet, kartu (gal) dasibelsim http://www.wargames.lt/lt/forum/thread/new/33#
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]
Puiku Bus atsakymas ar ne pasakys daug apie šio žaidimo ateitį
We are LEGION 我們軍團