Žinutės: 5
Prisijungė: 2015-04-13
Guildmachine Warball convention 2019
The next 3-day Warmachine and Guildball con I'm going to is in Hamburg, July 26-28. I encourage you to come along, as they will be doing a large variety of tournaments there, including the German Masters. The Masters is fed by lots of other tournaments within Germany, but this con will have a Last Chance Qualifier for you to gain a slot! The Guildball championships for Germany will also be held here. There are 3-man and 5-man team tournaments on offer too.
The con is very cost effective because it is held on-site at a youth hostel. The ticket, plus two nights stay, plus all your meals across the weekend only cost me €146 (£132). Things wrap up on the Sunday around 4 pm.
Conversation about the event can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/305162760317141/
Buying the ticket is a bit tricky, so use these instructions:
1. Register on the T3 tournament website: https://www.tabletopturniere.de/t3_tournament.php?tid=22422
2. Register for the event at that same link.
3. After registering for the event you will receive a confirmation-mail with a link to a webform.
4. Use the webform to let them know if you want to sleep and/or eat at the venue and who should be your roommates.
5. After feeding the webform with your data and wishes, it will calculate the amount of money you have to transfer to the organiser, El Leutzi.
6. A confirmation mail send to you will include the total sum, as well as my Bank- or PayPal-details.
WTC Committee