Temos peržiūra
BBLO (Blood Bowl League: The Origin): season I - burtai ir turnyrinės grupės
I grupė

1. Uruk-hay (humans)
2. Althalus (chaos)
3. magyar (chaos dwarfs)
4. Kronas (dwarfs)
5. WhiteDragon (skaven)
6. varnas (Kemri)

II grupė

1. Ratliker (chaos)
2. Monk (chaos dwarfs)
3. Amen (humans)
4. starfishas (dark elves)
5. Imperial (norse)
6. Karvedys (Rastvedys ir Karvedys) (ogres)

Burtai buvo traukiami iš dviejų krepšelių. Pirmas krepšelis - su pasikartojančiomis komandomis, kad dvi vienodos komandos nepatektų į vieną pogrupį. Antras krepšelis - visos likusios po vieną.

Turnyro tvarkraščio griaučiai. Kol kas tik skaičiai, bet jau galite pažiūrėti kokia tvarka ir su kuo teks žaisti grupės viduje. Primenu, kad grupės varžybos bus žaidžiamos tik su komandomis bendragrupiokėmis.

1 turas - 1 v 5 - 2 v 4 - 3 v 6
2 turas - 1 v 2 - 3 v 5 - 4 v 6
3 turas - 1 v 6 - 2 v 5 - 3 v 4
4 turas - 1 v 3 - 2 v 6 - 4 v 5
5 turas - 1 v 4 - 2 v 3 - 5 v 6

1 turas:

Uruk-hay vs WhiteDragon - 3:4
Ratliker vs Imperial - 3:0

Althalus vs Kronas - 0:1
Monk vs starfishas

Balys vs varnas - 0:2
Amen vs Karvedys - 1:1

2 turas:

Uruk-hay v sAlthalus
Ratliker vs Monk

magyar vs WhiteDragon
Amen vs Imperial - 2:1

Kronas vs varnas
starfishas vs Karvedys

3 turas - Uruk-hay v Varnas - Althalus v Whitedragon - Balys v Kronas
Ratliker v karvedys - Monk v imperial - Amen v starfish
4 turas - Uruk-hay v Balys - Althalus v Varnas - Kronas v Whitedragon
Ratliker v Amen - Monk v karvedys - starfish v imperial
5 turas - Uruk-hay v Kronas - Althalus v Balys - Whitedragon v Varnas
Ratliker v starfish - Monk v Amen - imperial v karvedys
Redagavo varnas 2010-02-22 12:42

Kadangi turim pirma raporta kuris nera uzpildytas kaip priklauso ir netgi nera teisingai ir aiskiai viskas surasyta dedu kaip pavyzdi kodel reik pildyt elektronini varianta bei kokios klaidos prasideda kai siunciamas toks variantas:

Pirmiausia kad nekiltu poto aiskinimusi ar dar ko sakiau kad meilas turi but siunciamas ir man ir egiui o ne tik vienam is musu

D6(home) vs Ratsistance(away)
Location : D6
Date : 2010 02 04
Referee : Imperial

Gates : 90k both
Weather : Pouring Rain

Casualties : #2(home) -> #9(away) Niggling injury . Turn 2 (fh)

D6 TD :

#10 turn 10 (first half)
#9 turn 7 (fh)

Ratsistance TD : Kiek anksciau buvo rasyta kad suzaista 3:4 o cia jau gunas 2:5

#5 turn 2 (fh)
#3 turn 5 (fh)
#2 turn 4 (sh)
#5 turn 7 (sh)
#1 turn 8 (sh)

#3 good pass (1spp)

# 4 ( D6 )
# 9 (Ratsistance)

30k ( D6 )
20k (Ratsistance) , +1 FF

#5 (Ratsistance) lvl up . New skill Cia turi buti prierasas koks skilas gautas, jei zaidejas neapsisprendzia tokiu atveju reiktu kad butu prierasas ir iki artimiausiu rungtyniu zaidejas laisku mane ir egi informuoja koki skila renkasi

P.S. Me = Varnas
Redagavo varnas 2010-02-06 10:42

Visos lygos turejo kazkokia exeline arba popierine roosterio forma o tai kaip tau tiesiog atsiust sarasa ir tu viska suvesi ir logus ant roosterio sudesi ar kaip darysim?
Manau, šitą būtų galima naudoti
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
grazus komandu ir pogrupiu sarasas. davimo i snuki dvasia dar gyva, tik vat keista Ogru team'a matyt.
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
Sudejau jau truputi info http://nkl.afigenai.lt/ tikiusoi kas pavadinimu logu neparode greit tai padarys
Redagavo varnas 2010-01-22 14:57
Butu visai nice pasiziureti, tik kad passwordo reikia
Jo viskas gerai jei eini tiesiog i puslapi
Redagavo Monk 2010-01-22 11:37
Monk parašė:
Butu visai nice pasiziureti, tik kad passwordo reikia

arba pastebeti, kad admino linkas http://nkl.afigenai.lt/lt/senas_titulinis.html?team_id=35
البوراك المجد
Egi kai tik turesi komandos siusk man po truputi nes su laiku sunku greiciau atsiusi greiciau sutvarkysiu
Ar galima butu prie Frost Bite team'o sheet primest ir banner kaip pas kitus team'us ? thnx

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
kazkaip jauciamas komandu rosteriu trukumas.
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
kadangi mokiausi ir laikiau baigiamuosius egzus tai susivelinau sian vakare atsiusiu
Kad baneri primesciau siusk baneri i donceka@gmail.com su prierasu kokiaj komandai pridet.
Kas nors nori pranesht Ogre playeriui kad Star Playeriai buna tik 1 match su team?

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
0-2 Star Players: Star Players are the heroes of the Blood Bowl
arena, the most resourceful and talented players in the sport.
Each Star Player has his own set of special skills and each is an
individual, standing out from the rest of the players in the league
by virtue of the unique set of skills and talents that they possess
(see pages 51 to 52 for Star Player stats and skills). Star players
act as free agents playing single matches for any team that can
afford their high fees
(and that they are willing to assist in the first
place), and then moving on to play for another team. You may
hire up to two Star Players that are allowed to play for your team.
Unless your league commissioner decides otherwise, deaths and
serious injuries inflicted on Star Players are waived after the
match. Star Players may not take the number of players in the
team to more than 16. However, players that are missing the
game due to injury do not count towards the number of players
on the team, so you can use Star Players to replace players that
are missing a game if you wish. It is possible (though unlikely)
for both teams to induce the same Star Player. If this happens
then neither may use him and he keeps both sets of hiring fees!
Star Players can never earn Star Player points other than the
MVP for the game. Star Player can never gain new skills. Finally
purchased/induced Apothecaries or an Igor may not be used on
Star Players ever. Star Players employ their own personal
trainers and apothecaries who travel with them to heal them from
almost any injury (including death) and to get in shape for their
next match and will not use your team's amateur physicians.
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
o siaip nieko variantas,kad starplayeriai turi savo apothecary
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
Ta prasme nukopint i foruma ash pats galejau ,turejau omeny kad kasnors zhino jo kontaktus ir galetu pranesht, nes shitas team po 2matche jau dead..

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Na tai kontaktas yra prie registracijos.

O tai gal žmogus nori iš peties pasilinksmint pirmam mače?..
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev