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Renkames 11 val, busime keturiese 9kvs9k, turetu visai smagus pasizaidimas gautis.
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing
Na, tai kokie ispudziai? Kas laimejo?
Gal aš kažko nemačiau, bet buvo 2vs1, laimėjo draugystė
When the lone world of Reekiss was invaded by the daemonic hordes of Chaos, there seemed little that could stop them. What few Imperial defenses the planet had were crushed almost instantly by the unholy legions of Daemons and Chaos Space Marines that spilled forth from the Warp. The defenders, although doomed, managed to send out a single distress call, pleading for help from anyone in the proximity of the system.

When all hope for the planet seemed lost, the call for reinforcements was heeded - and not just by anyone, but by the Imperium's most stalwart defenders - the Blood Angels and Space Wolves chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. If that were not enough, the strike forces that landed rapidly on the surface of Reekiss were the elite - Chapter Master Dante along with his Angelic Host and the Great Wolf, Logan Grimnar, accompanied by his Great Company. For the few scattered survivors, hope returned. Along with those defending the planet also were the indigenous population of Orks - while they enjoyed their run-ins with the local imperials, they too saw the threat of Chaos as being too large.

And so, the elite of the Angels and the Wolves, aided by an Imperial Knight Paladin, and joined by their newfound (albeit desperate) greenskin allies, engaged the heretics head-on. What they found waiting for them were masses of daemons: Nurgle, Tzeentchian, and Slaneeshi above all else, as well as forces of traitor marines, led by ascended Daemon Princes, all pulsing with the power of the Warp. What the loyalists did not realize was that the forces of Chaos had also employed a Titan - a relic of old, a warmachine of unmatched power. This, however, did not deter the defenders, nor did it weaken their resolve in the slightest.

The battle lasted for days, with none of the sides seeming to gain an advantage in the struggle. In the last hours of fighting, only the most tenacious remained, among them a Keeper of Secrets, a greater daemon of Slaanesh, slaughtering its way through those that would not be tempted by its call; Dante, commander of the Blood Angels, with his retinue dead, still fighting with as much fury as Sanguinius himself; Bjorn the Fell-Handed, who would not see himself stopped now, after ten millenia of war; the dreaded Titan of Chaos, blessed by the Lord of Excess himself, annihilating what was left of the loyalist forces with its unholy weaponry.

Just when victory seemed imminent for the heretics, belated by unexpected warpstorms, Logan and his Wolf Guard arrived and struck right in the heart of the remaining enemy, including the Titan itself. At the last moments of the battle, with both armies reduced to less than one fourth of their initial fighting strength, the great machine had almost been brought down by the fury of the Great Wolf. However, even with the end of the battle at hand, its outcome had yet to be seen...
Edited Vaider 2015-03-22 05:50
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts
Tldr; po šešių ėjimų pas imperialus liko roughly 1700pts ant stalo, o pas chaosą - 1755. Dar ėjimas, ir būtų tas titanas kritęs...
Šiaip smagu buvo, tik reiktų daugiau žmonių tokiems pasižaidimams, nes kai vienas turi stumdyti 7k worth of stuff, užtrunka...
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts
O tai jei Gobitas but savo ravenanta (ar phantoma?) atsitempes, kad palaikytu chaoso titanui kompanija? Nors eldarai, greiciausiai, savo noru savo soulstonus suskaldytu, negu su She Who Thirsts kultistais susidetu...

Fotkiu bus?
Edited Craghack 2015-03-23 19:00
Bus. Vėliau.
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing
Man pavyko iamzinti tik viena kadra iš 40k, visu zvilgsniai i titana

Edited Marukas 2015-03-24 17:27
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Laukiam Foto.
Vaider - nece narrative report!
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]

Na dar truputis vaizdų
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing