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Infinity: Uncharted lands, Riga, 19.03.16

Greetings, fellow Infinity players.
Since the next season of ITS is still a long way to go, for this very reason, we would like to invite you to our own Infinity tournament in Riga, for it is a perfect opportunity to finally field test the Magno tournament system for Infinity*.

Tournament information
Date: 19th March, 2016
Entry fee: 10 EUR
Registration time/1st game start: 10.00/11.00
Location: Club Dreamforge- Aleksandra Čaka street 32; Riga, Latvia

Following missions (for now we will be using ITS 2015 missions)
1 Seize the antennas

Time table:
10.00 Opening hours
11.00-13.00 First game
13.00-13.55 Lunch Break
14.00-16.00 Second game
16.15-18.15. Third game
18.15-+++ awards, then home

Attendants must register to the tournament by sending their nickname, faction and PIN number till 12th of March to (lists themselves are not required)

Additional info:
1.Army List: Each player can up to 2 lists (or vanilla or sectorial), however both lists must be from the same faction.
2.Proxy: up to 4 can models. Different weapons or if the piece is not published does not count as a proxy on a model.
3.Game time: 2 hours total for a game.
4.300 points, no spec-ops

*The Magno calculation system is an experimental system, used as an alternative to the ITS calculation system, while still following the same ITS core rules and missions. The main systems perk, that it focuses on the overall performance of the player by measuring: wins, objective point ratio, and kill/loss ratio of the players.
Magno play also favours and encourages advanced tactical thinking. To stimulate this feature all terrain with some exception is fully destructible (including objectives themselves) with the appropriate weapons, for example, anti-material and explosive.
Further details will be added as we are polishing the system for a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.
For those who are interested on how the system works, send me an e-mail and I will upload the Magno chart, or simply ask on forums, we will try to answer as detailed as possible.
Edited hellbase1 2016-03-01 14:16
Its still far away, but i would like to go
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Ye it would be interesting to come to your tournament
I would like to go
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Interested, will have to check schedules. Twas nice to see you guys today in Vilnius
Blogas apie stalo ir miniatiūrų žaidimus
The missons will be as followed.
1 Seize the antennas
Trumpas aprasymas apie musu nuotikius Rigoje

Edited Marukas 2016-03-28 10:50
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
svarbu visi sveiki ir gyvi prizu stalas - OMG.
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
Ačiū už įdomią apžvalgą. Sveikinimai Karoliui, jam jau tuoj nebereiks pirkti miniatiūrų - viską prizais susirinks Ir džiaugiuosi, kad kelionė, nors ir su nuotykiais, baigėsi laimingai.
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