Unicon 2015 Infinity ITS Tournament
hellbase1 | parašė 2015-06-04 20:05 |
Žinutės: 27 Prisijungė: 2015-06-04 |
Hello. On august 1-2 we are holding our first ITS tournament in Riga, Latvia, durring "Unicon 2015" event located in the Olympic Sports Center ! We are seeing growth in our local Infinity community, and we want to support that growth further by holding regular ITS events. This event is just the first of many! Infinity I.T.S Tournament 1. Time and place: Latvia, Riga 1st – 2ndof August 2015, in the Riga Olympic Sports Center (Riga, Grostonas street 6). Start: 12:00 Saturday 1st of August 2015 End: 17:30 Sunday 2nd of August 2015 2. Tournament format: 300p pts ITS Mid-Tier, No SpecOps 3. The tournament will use standard I.T.S rules found on http://dy4jtm76r0qih.cloudfront.net/archivo/descargas/en_ITS2015.pdf 4. Game plan: First day 12:30 - 15:00 game 1 - Mission:Frontline 15:30 - 17:00 game 2 - Mission:Sieze the antenna Second day 12:30 - 15:00 game 3 - Mission:Supremacy 15:30 - 17:00 game 4 - Mission:Biotechvore -- Announcement of the results and award ceremony Attention: Players’ name (and/or nickname), army lists and players I.T.S. PIN must be sent to [ reveal email ] until 20thof July for validation. Tournament Rules: 1. General rules In case of dispute, the judge has the final say. All participants, judges included, are expected to behave according to universally recognized good manners. 2. Requirements: Every player must have: Three copies of their army rosters. One open (with all information you can show to your opponent) and two private (with Lt., point costs, camouflaged and airborne troops etc.), of which one will be given to the organizers to check its validity. It is allowed to have up to two different army lists, though both of them must belong to the same army (vanilla or sectorial); All of the counters needed in their army rosters; All of the needed templates; Amount of twenty-sided dices not less than highest burst in the army roster. Miniatures: All models must be Corvus Belli miniatures or a conversion of these. Players’ own sculpts are permitted. WYSIWYG is not required, but it is preferred to use a model from the same unit or troop classification (e.g. Fusillier with HMG instead of Fusillier with ML or Muyib instead of Govad). Models are expected to have their Front Arcs marked. Disputes will be resolved in the favor of the player having Front Arcs marked. Proxies are permitted in reasonable amount - about 3 per army list. It's permitted to use different models for units not released yet (e.g. Muyib instead of Govad or Yaogat instead of Rodok) - they do not count as proxies. All those miniatures, though, must fit the size of the model they substitute. Models should be based on the bases suggested by their respective Silhouette value. In the case of the dispute about an incorrectly based model, the judge has the final say. 3. Results and pairings: Players will be classified in accordance to number of scored Objective Points and in the case of a tie scored Victory Points will be used as a tie-breaker. Pairings of players for the first round of the tournament will be random. There is a possibility to challenge a player – but only in the first round, the challenged player can refuse. Pairings in the subsequent rounds will be made according to the Swiss system. _______________________________________________________________________________ Feel free to ask any questions if you are intrsted . Redagavo hellbase1 2015-07-12 22:11 |
null | parašė 2015-06-05 09:41 |
Žinutės: 1444 Prisijungė: 2008-08-14 |
Hi and thank you for the invitation. I would love to visit Riga and have a couple of games with you. Guys, who's in? Redagavo null 2015-06-05 10:27 Blogas apie stalo ir miniatiūrų žaidimus http://kauliukai.blogspot.com/
Marukas | parašė 2015-06-05 09:43 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Im in
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
hellbase1 | parašė 2015-06-05 17:14 |
Žinutės: 27 Prisijungė: 2015-06-04 |
Hi. Great to hear that there is interest in the event. Another bit of information for those who are interested. A pair of Lithuanian cosplayer groups ("Nyaa" and "Anime Fest") will be organizing buses and accommodations for Unicon. If you're interested in it feel free to ask. |
AKu | parašė 2015-06-06 01:57 |
Žinutės: 1778 Prisijungė: 2010-03-15 |
Probably im in too. just 2 quick questions 1) full painted armys or no? 2) for drones i use at43 miniatures http://www.inlgames.com/karm.jpg they are space monkeys just like morats.is ok if use them for remotes? Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu X-wing: just Scum & no villains Infinity: CA |
hellbase1 | parašė 2015-06-06 18:44 |
Žinutės: 27 Prisijungė: 2015-06-04 |
1)We are using standard ITS rules which state that models must be at least base coated (no bare metal). 2)Sadly since we are going to follow the official ITS regalement all models must be from corvus belli. However when we'll be making "unofficial events" proxies from other companies are acceptable. |
Marukas | parašė 2015-06-06 20:45 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Aku su tom bezdzionem tu negalesi dalyvauti jokiam oficialiam turnyre, tokios its taisykles... nieko nepadarysi. Draugiskiem turnyram ir zaidimam tie at43 bezdzionai yra ok. Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
Batma | parašė 2015-06-06 22:02 |
Žinutės: 1658 Prisijungė: 2007-07-02 |
Tempting, jei jau nenuvažiuoti pažaisti.. tai bent nuvažiuoti pasižmonėti ir pafotkinti |
AKu | parašė 2015-06-08 09:45 |
Žinutės: 1778 Prisijungė: 2010-03-15 |
If only base coat is needed im in. P.s. kas nors gali dronus paskolint? :-D P.s.s.
Btw by its rules even no base coat is needed :-) Redagavo AKu 2015-06-08 09:53 Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu X-wing: just Scum & no villains Infinity: CA |
Marukas | parašė 2015-06-08 13:48 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Nu base coatu nusitept gi gali? tinginiau tu (nedaryk gedos tarptautininiu mastu) Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
Karolis | parašė 2015-06-08 14:06 |
Žinutės: 206 Prisijungė: 2008-11-24 |
Nu as manau, kad graziai nujuodinus figurele bus graziau nei gruntuot https://goo.gl/photos/WUJVXSmhQzs65PJDA
Redagavo Karolis 2015-06-08 14:09 |
Marukas | parašė 2015-06-08 14:17 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Aha.. man irgi labai grazu washintos figureles. Isriskeja visos detales. ir ko gero tai galima butu uzskaityti kaip base coat, bet reiketu klausti organizatoriu.
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
hellbase1 | parašė 2015-07-12 22:11 |
Žinutės: 27 Prisijungė: 2015-06-04 |
HERE are the missions for the tournament 4. Game plan: First day 12:30 - 15:00 game 1 - Mission:Frontline 15:30 - 17:00 game 2 - Mission:Sieze the antenna Second day 12:30 - 15:00 game 3 - Mission:Supremacy 15:30 - 17:00 game 4 - Mission:Biotechvore -- Announcement of the results and award ceremony |
hellbase1 | parašė 2015-07-20 20:51 |
Žinutės: 27 Prisijungė: 2015-06-04 |
Greetings! There will be a bus organized from Lithuania to Unicon. More information can be found at this link => https://www.facebook.com/events/528305667320659/ |
Marukas | parašė 2015-07-20 21:06 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Na tai kas vaziuojat i si rengini?
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
AKu | parašė 2015-07-21 00:34 |
Žinutės: 1778 Prisijungė: 2010-03-15 |
Vietu jau nebera tam autobuse as in siaip jeigu sestadieni isvaziuojam. jei ne greiciausiai vistiek kazkaip nusigausiu.
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu X-wing: just Scum & no villains Infinity: CA |
null | parašė 2015-07-21 09:22 |
Žinutės: 1444 Prisijungė: 2008-08-14 |
Deja, negalėsiu. Kertasi su kitais renginiais.
Blogas apie stalo ir miniatiūrų žaidimus http://kauliukai.blogspot.com/
AKu | parašė 2015-07-27 15:36 |
Žinutės: 1778 Prisijungė: 2010-03-15 |
tention: Players’ name (and/or nickname), army lists and players I.T.S. PIN must be sent to [ reveal email ] until 20thof July for validation. issiuntet kasnors? kokiu emailu sisut reik gal zinot? Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu X-wing: just Scum & no villains Infinity: CA |
Marukas | parašė 2015-07-28 11:01 |
Žinutės: 3143 Prisijungė: 2010-09-09 |
Si vakara uzbukinu mums 4 iems nakvojimo skyle, taigi net jei paskutiniu momentu kazkas pasakys "ai as nevaziuoju" 12 euru vistiek teks susimoketi have a nice day Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/ |
AKu | parašė 2015-07-28 12:12 |
Žinutės: 1778 Prisijungė: 2010-03-15 |
O nereikejo palaukti kol organizatoriai atrasys kad galesim dalyvaut? :-D nes as is ju jokiu ziniu dar negavau
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu X-wing: just Scum & no villains Infinity: CA |