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WarGames » Wargames - mass battle » Warhammer
"Convert" tarkim
Ar skaitosi convertinimas kai naudoji tarkim kitu board game'u miniatiuras ten bishki pakoreguoji su green stuff ir gauni kazka pan i tikra daikta? Ish wiso kaip toks daiktas wadinamas,jei turi sawo pawadinima?

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Tipo WWII Trecio reicho SS karininkas su nupjautom kojom ir is plastelino padaryta barzda patampa Thundereriu championu?..
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
tai vadinasi "scratch builded"
turnyruose tokiu dalyku paprastai naudoti negalima
o namie susiderini su oponentu ir stumdyk ka nori
"To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them."
Ir patikek, pries plastilino gabaliukus ir cukrines(kaip pavyzdi paimu, o ne konkretu gera konvertavima) zaisti nera malonu. Jei reikia, galiu paskolinti savo kareiveliu senaja kolekcija, ten kauboju yra, indenu, vikingu ir riteriu
Redagavo Saulius 2007-12-07 14:11
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Ooo, kas do vikingaaa ir rycariai?...
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
bet jei figurele yra i tema, tik nera GW?
Joa pvz koks Vikingas butu kaip Marauder, skyrtumo kaip ir nematau beweik..

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
Tik vikingo formatas kaip trolio...
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
nlb pagawau ka turejai galvoj..

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
o naudojant pvz DIDELI drakona vietoj kad ir high elf drakono, ir kaipnors sukomponuojant ant atatinkamo dydzio bazes bus laikoma isgi konvertu? aisku, jei gerai nudazytas, parinkta forma ir t.t.