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Dwarfs comming
longbeardai puikūs! ir šiaip vilčių suteikia faktas,kad dwarfai pagaliau normaliai laiko savo ginklus, o ne kaip rastus pusiau sulenktoje plaštakoje.
Malifaux - The Guild
Infinity - Aleph (Steel Phalanx)
Jooo... kolkas dwarfai atrodo ziauriai gerai, skydai man netgi ziauriai patinka, jie tokie labiau atsiduoda prabanga, o prabanga ir godumas yra dwarfu skiriamasis bruozas pagal flufa Praktiskai siek tiek gailiuosi kad prisipirkau mantic dwarfu, na bet ka darysi:)
Longbeardai tai superiniai... afigieni

Haselhofas apie naujus dwarfus:
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Atrodo dwarfai gaus nauja special charakteri

The rules for Belegar leaked and he is insane...

I am guessing that there are rules against posting direct rule quotes, or scanns of the rules, so I'l just summarize..

3 8 4 4 5 3 4 4 10

He is stubborn, and he has a special rule that lets him double his attacks for one game turn.

His hammer gives him ASF and +1 to wound

His shield gives him a 4+ ward save, and immunity to KB and HKB.
This is info from one page, and it continues on the next page.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/

Taigi kol kas anonsavo tik Belegarą, Dragon slayerį ir hammerer'ių / longbeard'ų multi-box'ą.
Sklando gandai, kad knyga ir likę nauji modeliai bus paskelbti po 3 sav - Vasario 22d.

Įdomu, kiek žmonių susigundys pirkti, nepamatę knygos?
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Idomu ar surinkus hammerius, ir likus kruvai longbierdu bitsu ar tie bitsai tiktu paprastiem wrrioram.. galima butu nesunkiai prisikonvertinti longbeardu (aisku jei tiks nitsai)
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Biskis naujienu is plastic Krak http://plastickrak.blogspot.co.nz/2014/02/new-dwarf-pictures-leaked-gyrocopters.html?m=1

Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Kaip suprantu organ guns privales naudoti BS, bet gales deti naudoti runas ir naudoti inzinieriaus BS.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
That is f***in' osom! :o
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Girokpteriai ziauriai faini, tokie tvirtai suresti kukulaiciai, na tik man nepatinka kaip jie nudazyti... jie turetu buti ne kazkokie raudoni ar zali, o grinai bronziniai,dar uzmesti kokio zalio oksido.. butu jega. Nuo kada dwarfai dazo metala?
apskritai dwarfu leidimas geras gavosi.
Redagavo Marukas 2014-02-05 13:16
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Matau, kad Dwarfus ne tik pakėlė, bet dar daugiau įvairovės pridėjo ir runų kelis kibirus užvežė. Matau, kaip žaidėjų gausėjimo laikas ateina. Jaučiu, kad ateina laikas ir Special charus leisti, nes Dworfai jų gavo tikrai smagių. Gal šiemet ETC pakeis pagaliau ir leis Special charus.
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Na atrodo sita orgija dar nesibaige ir uztruks pora savaiciu, Kronui ir kitiems dwarfu zaidejams turbut teks po viena inksta parduoti, kad susipirkti situos zaislus

Week 3: Armybook, Ironbreakers/new ranged unit (dual kit)

Week 4: New giant cannon/giant drill (dual kit)
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Marukas parašė:

Atsižvelgiant į "hatred(OnG)" aš drįsčiau pasakyti, kad tai yra ANGRY BIRDS... po 45 USD už kiekvieną?

Oficialiai paskelbti antros savaitės leidiniai.

Hmm, rodos, kad nė viena karo mašina nebus perleista...
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Jau nemažai taisyklių yra duota iš testinių žaidimų tai bendras įspūdis toks, kad gan gerai subalansavo rasę, nepadarė OP, truputį pakėlė kur reikia, kai ką pabrangino, kai ką atpigino.
Iš pliusų :
1.Apie 30 runų su galimomis modifikacijomis;
2.Hammereriai gavo +1 ataką (super dalykas);
3.Norimt turėti Longbeardus core nebūtina imti Warriorų;
4.Ironbrakeriai gavo 5+ Pary save visada;
5.Runesmitai/Runelordai duoda būriui Armor piercing kai stovi jame;
6.Daemon slayeris gavo įsiūtą savybę, kad priešas permeta ward save;
7.Dragon slayer gavo D3 multiple wounds;
8.Slaerių championai gali turėti runas;
9.Gyrokopteris gali turėti vanguard savybę už +20pt ir yra dvigubai pigesnis, taip pat jis special;
10.Organ gun range 30", šaudo pagal BS, šūvių kiekiui meta du artillery dice ir sumuoja, jeigu iškrito 1 missfire tai antro dice šūvių kiekis 1/2, o jei abu missfire tada žiūri kas nutiko, galima ant jo dėti runas (+1 to hit automatiškai visi dės) ir galima prie jo pastatyti Engineer, kuris duos savo BS, kaina tokio daikto tampa kosmine, apie 220pt, bet šaudo pragariškai, be to nuo inžinieriaus gali permesti vieną artillery dice. Dar galima antram Organ gun duoti runą kuri prieš Flyerius pataiko ant 2+, tai realiai su drakonais ir monstrais dworfai tvarkosi geriausiai iš visų.
11.Flame cannonas turi du šaudymo rėžimus, paprastą kaip ir dabar bei senesnės edicijos, kada template deda 12 colių nuo savęs ir tada žiūri kiek jis scaterina, taip pat gali nuodotis runomis ir inžinieriumi, kuris leidžia permesti scater dice.
12.Naujas šaudančių būrys su heavy Armoru ir shieldais, gaunasi 4+AS, 6+ parry, 2+ward nuo flaming atakų, gali šaudyti ir vaikščioti, todėl 21" range gaunasi, str 5, flaming atakos šaudant;
13.Chargo metu kai kurie dworfų būriai gauna +1 Str;
14.Shield Wall - kai kurie dworfų būriai gauna 5+ parry nuo chargo;
15.Daug būdų gauti d3 multiple wounds armijoje(Ograi ir drakonai su monstrais verkia);
16.Rangeriai 5+ modeliai būryje;

Minusai :
1.Pabrango visos patrankos;
2.Kalvė pasidarė prastesnė, dabar ji buria 3 bound spellus, kurie gan vidutiniai, neliko stabdymo ir greitinimo;
3.Pabrango Longbeardai;
4.Runesmitai/Runelordai negeneruoja DD, jie dabar chanelina kaip ir paprasti magai, todėl Dworfų Dispell galimybės smarkokai apsikarpė ir ne tokios stabilios, bet su kai kuriomis runomis dar išliko viena geriausių;
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Na is esmes dwarfai gales galinetis in close combat, o ne tik patrankomis ir grudge throweriais.
Shield wall, labai gera taisykle.
Organ gunai su runomis kaip suprantu bus auto
Is esmes nebloga knyga gavosi, bet ograi turetu verkti vs dwarfai....
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Komandiniuose turnyruose Dworfai ir Ograi gerai, bet 1vs1 turnyruose Ograms niekada neišeiti į pirmasias vietas, jei kelią pastoja Dworfai. Principe ta pati problema buvo ir su ankstesniais Dworfais Ograms, o dabar ji dar aštresnė ir realiai laukiamas Dworfų pagausėjimas, ko pasekoje daug kas turės permastyti savo metageimus ir ruoštis kompromisams, nes 1vs1 turnyruose reikės kiek įmanoma universalesnių rosterių, o kai kurioms rasėms su tuo gan sunku, ypač Ograms.
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Ogram apskritai sunku su priesais kurie daro d3 wound, ar iniciativos testai. Bet cia kita tema.
O siaip kiek galima spresti, tai dvorfam reikes gerokai maziau modeliu, bus daug elito
Dworfai gerokai suletes nes neliko kalves navaroto.
Atrodo dworfai tures neblogo chafo, girokopteriai arba junitai po 5 ranger'ius.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Dworfai tikrai turės marias įvairasu kalibro chafo visom užduotim :
Mineriai, Rangeriai, Gyrocopteriai, Bombercopteriai, Slayeriai, Drill machine.
Bet teisingai pastebėjai, kaip bebūtų keista, GW padarė rasę kuri gali žaisti iš mažiau modelių, dar ne visai jie ten supuvę
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Nu nežinau, man tie naujieji dwarfų Irondrakes tai vos ne vienas prie vieno space marinai. Visiškai statiški modeliai, nors iš dwarfų tikėtis dinamikos čia optimizmas.
Warmachine - Khador
Hordes - Skorne
Flames of War - Germany, USA Easy Company
Cia biski sumarizacijos:

Army wide:

Shieldwall: +1 Parry save when charged.

Special characters:

Thorgrim Grudgebearer (325 slaves): W 7, 2+/4++/2++ against wounds by KB/HKB/MW. ASF, wound on +2.

Josef Bugman (82.5 slaves): Can upgrade rangers to longbeard statline (incl +1 BS) for 1 1/2 slaves per model.


Master Engineer (35 slaves): Ability to re-roll artillery dice (cannot be used for bounce of a cannonball or burst of a flame cannon).

One nearby warmachine can use BS. Entrench, LoS roll of within 3" of friendly warmachine. 25 slaves of runes.

Runelord (60 slaves): Can have 62.5 slaves of runes. MR 2. Grants armor piercing to unit.

Normal lord (72.5 slaves): Option for shieldbearers grants +2 AS and +2 W, Lord keeps LoS roll. Can have 62.5 slaves of runes.

Runesmiths (30 slaves): Runelore ability enables them to channel. Grants armor piercing to unit. MR1. 37.5 slaves of runes.

Thane (32.5 slaves): LD 10. 37.5 slaves of runes.

Dragon slayer (35 slaves): 37.5 slaves of runes. Multiple wounds (D3).

Daemon slayer (70 slaves): 62.5 slaves of runes. Enemy re-rolls successful ward saves.

Anvil (85 slaves): +1 DD&PD. ++5 Save, Runelord gains 2 W. Three bound spells at 3+ (All friendly units within 24" gain immune to psychology), 4+ (Target unit gains +1 AS until beginning of next turn), 5+ (2d6 S4 Magic Missile). Each bound spell may be cast once per turn. No longer immobile.


Warriors: As before but with shieldwall.

Quarrelers (5 slaves): HA. Option to buy GW.

Thunderers (5 slaves): HA.

Longbeards (6 slaves): HW & HA. ItP, units within 6" may re-roll failed panic tests, shieldwall. 25 slaves banner. Half a slave for a shield, one slave for GW. +10 unit size.


Ironbreakers (7 slaves): GA & S. "Shieldwall of Gromril" grants +1 parry save at all times. Runic banner up to 37.5 slaves. The

Cinderblast Bombs are not one use only; you are "assumed to have enough to last the whole" game. They're between 7 and 8 Slaves in

cost. They work like a Stone Thrower with a range of 2"-8". They use the small blast marker. It's S3(6) with Multiple Wounds (d3).

On a misfire, roll a die. On a 1, center the marker over the dude with the bombs. On a 2+, the bomb was a dud, and nothing happens.

Miners (5 slaves): Regular ambush, drill grants +1 roll. +10 unit size.

Slayers (6 slaves): +5 unit size. Runic banner up to 25 slaves. Can upgrade to giant slayers, which have runic allowance.

Hammerers (7 slaves): HA, GW & HW. Option to buy shield. Stubborn. If general is in the unit, any Hammerer can accept challenges. 25 slaves banner.


Ranger (7 slaves): HW, GW, TA, XBOW & HA. Shields for half a slave. +5 unit size.

Irondrakes: The Irondrake champion can take a "Trollhammer Torpedo." It's S8, flaming attacks, and multiple wounds (d3). It's range is actually longer than the Drakegun's range. 25 slaves banner.

Warmachines: Warmachines have between 25 or 50 slaves runic allowance. No basic engineer upgrade.

Bolt Thrower (27.5 slaves):

Cannon (60 slaves):

Gyrocopter (40 slaves): Steam gun is S3 AP. 1/2 the number of gyros in your army can have vanguard for 10 slaves.

Organ gun: Range 30. BS based shooting, two artillery dices. If one misfires, halve the roll of the other. If both misfire, misfire chart. 25 slaves of runes.

Runes & Magic items: No ability to take BRB itmems. 6 Ancestral Heirlooms, 18 weapon runes, 8 armor runes, 11 banner runes, 7 talisman runes, 8 engineering runes. No rune of resistance. No rune of brotherhood .

"It appears to be possible to take multiple runes of spell breaking, but not as an exception to the normal runic item rules. You could take one plain old rune of spell breaking, but the next would have to be a combi-item like a rune of spell breaking coupled with a rune of the furnace. At least, that's the way it appears to work now. Oh, the rune of spell eating still exists, too."

Strollas Rune (17.5 slaves): Vanguard.

Rune of Stoicism (17.5 slaves): Stubborn. In radius maybe? Not sure.

Heirloom banner (50 slaves): Re-roll failed to wound rolls.

???: Ward save against missile attacks:

Rune of forging: Reroll misfore on artillery dice.

Rune of Disguise: Warmachine counts as being in hard cover.

Rune of Immolation: Detonate your warmachine to hurt enemies; automatically blows up if killed in close combat.

Rune of Penetrating: Increases strength, can be taken twice. If on grudge thrower, affects both S values, as in x(y).

Rune of Stalwart: grants bonus to machines combat resolution score

Rune of slowness: charging enemy unit subtracts 1d6 from their charge distance rolled. Two runes of slowness, you roll 2d6 and take the highest for the charge distance reduction. Three runes of slowness still use the 2d6 roll (pick the highest) for the charge distance reduction, and if the charging unit still makes it into contact, it has ASL until the end of the turn.

Rune of Battle: One rune of battle grants an extra 1 point of combat resolution. Two runes of battle grant an extra 2 to combat

resolution. Three runes of battle grant an extra 2 to combat resolution and grant the unit the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule.

Rune of Adamant (50 slaves): Grants T10.

Rune of Accuracy: +1 to hit for warmachines.

Rune of Seeking: +1 to hit against flyers for WM.

Rune of Burning: Flaming attacks.

??????: 5+ regeneration save.

??????: +2 ward save against KB/HKB.

??????: 6+ Ward save, stacks up to 4+.

++++++: Same as dragonbane gem, same cost.

Rune of might: Double S v +T5 foes. Two grants MW(D3).

Rune of Balance (25 slaves): Steal PD on +4.

Rune of Spellbreaking (12.5 slaves): Presumably works like a scroll.

Rune of Spelleating (-25 slaves): Presumably works as before.

Heirloom: Hammer that grants +3 initiative, and if you wound an opponent, they have I1 until the end of the combat phase.

Heirloom: Axe that grants re-rolls to hit and to wound against Orcs & Goblins and Skaven. Cause Terror against those opponents.

Heirloom: Armor of 2+ save and 3++ vs attacks of S6 or higher.

Heirloom (-25 slaves): A horn that is one use only and grants all units with 6" the Devastating Charge rule til the end of turn. After

using, that character causes Fear to High Elves, Dark Evles, and Wood Elves for the rest of the game.

Heirloom: Ring that grants a S4 breath weapon with Flaming Attacks.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/