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WarGames » Wargames - mass battle » Warhammer
Taigi yra skleidziama neteisynga informacija kaip weikia challenge'ai.

"In each turn before working out any close combat,each side is allowed to isuue challenges."

"One challenge can be issued in each combat that is being fought"
Cia norima pasakyt kad gali wykt combate tik wienas challenge, turi pasibaigt 1challenge kad skelbti kita (negali but Nr1unito champ kowoja challenge su hero ish Nr2 unit ir tuo paciu Nr2 champas challenge kowoja su Nr1 hero) o ne kad kaip kazkas interpretuoja kad gali but skelbiamas tik 1 challenge per wisus combato turnus.

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]
1 chalenge esamu metu. o kur cia bedos?
WHFB games 4, 6, 7, 8 edicijos
Bretonnia 6000 pt
Demons of Chaos 8000 pt
For the Lady
Vis tik sakinys, kuris paaiškina, kad gali tame pačiame combate įvykti keli challenge'ai, yra šis:
Once a challenge is underway no futher challenges may be issued in that combat until one character is slain or flees from combat

Pats buvau suklaidintas, kai visi baksnojo į 76p, o į 77 nelabai kas pažiūrėjo
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Nu wat puiku pagaliau 1 ish grybu baigtas

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]