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WFB Tournament, 2-3 April 2011, Bialystok
Hello my dear friends

In the name of my club I’d like to invite you all for a Warhammer Tournament called “Battle for Bialystok” which will be held on 2-3 of April in our home city: Bialystok, Poland!

We’d like you to come and visit us for a great weekend. If you are interested in participating in the tournament we can host you at out homes during your stay, show you around our beautiful city, party a lot and generally take good care of you all So, how about it?

Here is a quick draft of the tournament rules, which may change a little bit, but the most important part is that we play using most recent ETC rules, so 2400 point armies with ETC restrictions and rules. Also this is a master class tournament in polish league, so every army needs to be painted with at least 3 colours and you can expect 60+ players. No bonus points for good quality painting, but we will reward owners of three best painted armies with good prizes – so bring your best painted miniatures! This tournament will be the last tournament from which our ETC team will emerge, so you will have a chance to meet and play against our best ETC players, exchange opinions, tactics and generally have a nice time. Also we expect a visit from russian ETC team

Here are some sample photos from our tournaments:

And a short movie from our Warhammer friends from Tallinn made especially for you:

and remember

if you have any further questions then please write me at my e-mail adress which is:
karlee (at)
Edited karlee 2011-01-25 08:54
dont like ETC rules :s
and i dont have a painted army, what a pity...
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Only in eastern part of europe you can see advertising like this
If I'd like to have a good party with lots of drinks - I'd definately register right now, but talking about the WHFB tournament... need to think about it.
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
No need to think about ;p Only thing you need to think is whether to get here by car/bus/train . Zilvinas know some good train connections btw. if you want to travel by train
Our spies have just delivered terrible news! Hitler is going to warhammer tournament in Bialystok! Just check it out:
A group of players from Moscow and Kiev are going. You can't bo worse, moretheless you are closest to Bialystok!
Karlee karlee ...