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Goodbye summer warhammer 40k tournament
Sadly summer is ending and there is not much that you can do to stop it but theirs still time to participate in the "Goodbye summer warhammer 40k tournament" that is sure to fill your heart with carnage and happiness.

The tournament shall take place in the Hobby shop D6
address:Vilnius Tumo Vaižganto g.7
at 10.30 am September 3th tournament entry price 10LT

Army size 1750pts no proxy's
The tournament will consist out of three random length rounds (players will be warned 15min before the ending of the round)

Mission1-Where blood will soon be shed
Mission2-Of iron and blood
Mission3-Cleansing siege
(Mission design is taken from the Adepticon 2011 warhammer 40k championship for the mission information please go to [color=blue][/color] and search for the missions listed above)

To avoid problems please do that in the tread.

Knight-impirial guard
Sir_Vicious-Blood angels

See you then.kasperlo;)
Edited kasperlo 2011-08-31 19:21
Erm...Slight questions, but didn't Juli already pass? So shouldn't it be, August 20th? Just asking
None of us blink at death
A handful of shrapnel makes the medicine go down!
a tournament at last
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]
dalyvausiu taipat ikalbejau broly jis dalyvaus taipat.
[center]The daemon has many forms. You must know them all.[/center]
noreciau sudalyvaut. bet manau tik nuo rugsejo antros puses kazkur galesiu turesiu laiko dalyvaut turnyruose.
Kaip čia Audriaus Imperija su Roko Chaosais nedalyvauja?
Rats as tall as man, and blessed with the most vile intellect and cunning. They are the dark side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins. (Albrecht of Nuln)
Rastvedys ir Karvedys
Dėkui, kad mus prisimenat, bet iki Rugsėjo kariuomenės atostogauja.B)
Turnyras Rugsėjo 3 d
Rats as tall as man, and blessed with the most vile intellect and cunning. They are the dark side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins. (Albrecht of Nuln)
Rugsejo 3-a diena dar greiciausiai busiu isvykes kurnors bet gaaal, ir pavyks.
Galbūt priimate žiūrovus stebėti turnyro?
Yes aisku priemam.Bet noreciau priminti ir paprasyti zaideju profesionalumo ir vis del to perskaityti misijas pries ateinant i turnyra
Gaila bet su broliu nedalyvausim pasikeite planai. pinigu truksta nors ir turim bet jie suplanuoti kitiems pirkiniams.
[center]The daemon has many forms. You must know them all.[/center]
mane darasykit nauja zaisla reikia isbandyti
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing
labai tiketina kad irgi atvarysiu
įrašykit, nuo tankų voratinkliai nuplauti.
black templairs
high elves
dėl nuostabaus autobusų tvarkaraščio galiu vėluoti. max 10min
black templairs
high elves
turnyro player bourdas:
1.Weran (space marine)Ryga
2.Paker (imperial guard)Ryga
3.Areinicas (chaos space marine)Ryga
4.Ratliker (Tyranic swarm)
5.Atskalunas (black templar)
6.Marius (space marine)
7.Lukas (grey knights)
8.Sir_Vicious (blood angels)

Pirma noreciau padekoti musu kaimynam is Rygos uz atvikima ir pasveikinti musu turnyro nugaletoja waren kuris sucrushino aponentus po savo armored mightu.Antra noriu pasakyt aciu kitiem atejusiam zaidejam ir tokiuosi jog visi patenkinti turnyru.I shall see on the field of batlle.B). kasperlo!
p.s lukai nebuk myznius.
Tai ką, norit pasakyti, kad Rygoj liaudis geriau žaidžia 40k??? Būtų įdomu pamatyti jų army listus. Gal kas gali nušviesti kas pas juos buvo (ypač SM).
Blemba i 4zmogu rengini tai nlb ir trauke , o db normaliai 8 pasirodo ir dar uzsienieciu buvo,tai buciau tkr dalyvaves. Organizatoriskas fail'as i suppose..

[center]King Undisputed! Respected! Saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! Be Prepared! [/center]