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Dwarfs comming
Release Date: 1st Quarter 2014 - Febuary
Some new models are ready now
Large project to overhaul whole range
Plastic Gyrocopter
Dwarf Contraption - think of the old Chaos Dwarf Tenderiser, big warmachine which "punches" the enemy
Dwarf Living Ancestors - Huge stone / metal Dwarf statues
Plastic Grudgethrower
Plastic Slayers
Huge Cannon
Plastic Hammerers
Plastic Ironbreakers
Dwarfs will become more aggressive and not just sit in the corner
Gyrocopter squadrons
Not much around actual rules yet as although lots of models are ready, rules are still in progress.

Orc Stomper/Tunnel Boring Machine
Runic Yunke Big Box / War Altar
Squadron Box Gyrocopters
Thunderers Box / Ballesteros / Dwarf Warriors (10)
Hammerers Box / Ironbreaker
Matadors Box / Brotherhood of Grimmir
Longbeards Box / Rangers"

Ir geros naujienos Wood Elfams, rimti gandai ir paskutinis White Dwarf leidinys duoda priežastį ir užuominą, kad jie sekantys po nykštukų.
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Mano taupyklė ką tik puolė į gilią depresiją.
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Skamba gerai, jei tik sitie gandai bus tiesa Mano laukiamiausios rases yra dwarfai ir wood elfai, tiesiog idomu kur pakreips sias rases... Jos turetu stipriai keistis.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Hmm.. o neturėtų dar pakeliui pavasarį išleisti 9 edicijos? Ten kažkoks gražus skaičius buvo, ar ne 30 metų warhammeriui ar kažkas. Tai ar nesigaus kad dwarfai bus paskutinis 8 edicijos armybookas ir bus visiškoje žopoje?
Siaip dabartiniai army bookai jau ko gero yra ruosiami 9ed.
kolkas visos naujai isleistos rases subalansuotos geriausiai per visa warhammerio istorija (na tomb kingam pasiseke maziausiai) bet tai tik viena rase o su visom kitom galima normaliai zaisti.

Sklinda gandas, kad 9ed bus link 2015m
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Dabartinis dvorfų armybookas buvo išleistas 6ed pabaigoje, prieš pat 7ed išleidimą.
Bet pagal visą armybooką, puikiai matosi, kad jis jau buvo orientuotas į 7ed taisykles.

Ir čia ne vienas toks pavyzdys yra, kai paskutiniai armybookai prieš naują ediciją jau yra leidžiami su užuominom naujai edicijai.
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
About time!!!
Dwarfs / Skaven
Nagi, tikrai bus įdomu pažiūrėti, ką su barzdukais padarys. Laukiam žinių.
Blogas apie stalo ir miniatiūrų žaidimus
Jop dwarfai tinginiu rase bet pramogai partijabpapiskint smagu.
Cia dar truputis rumorsu visokiu:
-Author: Rumor Vetock.

-Rules army advance Dwarves use ancestral ancestral tort, and stubbornness ancestral (impassivity: as long as the dwarves have a bonus of a row is considered impassible always, regardless of the ranks of the enemy or overwhelm).

- The objects are objects runic magic and power varies depending on the configuration of the army. They are quite powerful.

-The rune system changes to what we saw in Storm of Magic.

-It is rumored magic phase as TDM. (Storm magic).

-They have confirmed that the dwarves have a "monster" height mechanical steam tank. It was called Orc Crusher for months, now know. He has a gun that works like diamond tip as underground tunneling bugs oriented fat and another weapon for infantry oriented. Take crew and some armor upgrades options and sieges.

-Lose prominence the shot and return to see dwarves oriented combat.

-They keep talking about monstrous infantry for dwarves, sentinels ... (bipods or cacharras strange, elf too confusing with these machines)

- There are plastic killers straight out of Avelorn.

-Special Troops plastics, matadors and Hammerers. Discard core.

-You can return the next to the Goblin-hewer buscamuertes malakai storm of chaos, but may remain in the pipeline for 9th ...

-The dwarves are engineers that modify the machines and blacksmiths, are just that aimed laser cannons (YUUUUJUUUUU guess is to say that you will pay for an engineer if eggs or if we runar the machine)

-1 New character is a dwarf, a kind of dwarf gods protected ...

-Mechanical completely new and the concept of the dwarves change a bit, as they did the demons by turning around all phases of the game.

-The artillery worsened slightly. Imagine anger rune customization limit.

-All dwarves have magic resistance like tzeencht ... 6 + to spell ...

-Blacksmiths have no bonus to disperse, but a priori earn another rule for different mode-rays, something style banner of the jaws.

Well that is what you get!
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
rumors the last general level forums:

nerfeada of the machines. engineers teachers who will give improvements to machines, a master a machine.

option will be the throne of the Lord of the Dwarves

shield bearers will be Mr. option also Clan

(new) a kind of tunnel boring machine that will join the miners as an option in plan cauldron.

(again) the busamuertes fans will be a kind of the killers.

(new) Slayers and plastic Hammerers

(new) bears mount as an option for the Rangers

(new) support unit, dwarves canned as monstrous infantry, as an option for Ironbreakers.

To become a lord of the throne dwarves Hammerers unit, while still alive, the unit is Unbreakable.

when the clan lord shield bearers join a Warriors or Longbeards unit, become stubborn.

Runic blacksmiths, will give an ability to Ironbreakers (repeat armor saves, immunity to magic or special salvation against magic, geting weapons). besides being magicians know lvl 1 Metal

Rune lords will nv4 magicians metal knowledge

give +2 anvil to launch or disperse.

Gyrocopters formed the harassing units.

Remember these are only rumors but usually that 60% to 80% of the rumors are true when the renewal comes.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Eina sau kaip gerai skamba.
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Примерное расписание релизов на 2014 год:

December/January: Tyranids
Q1-14: Dwarfs, Imperial Guard
Q2-14: Wood Elves, Orks
Q3-14: WFB 9th, Bretonnians, Space Wolves
Q4-14: Dark Eldar, ???
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Latest word speaks of:

Dwarfs - February (I'd bet on February 8th)

The Kits:

Plastic Tunneling Vehicle
Plastic infantry heavy armor unit kit (dual-build)
Plastic infantry light armor unit kit (dual-build)

Plastic War Altar
Plastic New VERY large gun/cannon
Plastic Beefier Gyrocopter

Clampack Lord

No finecast was mentioned at all. If you look at what needs plastic kits in the existing Dwarf range, and look to the old-unit/new unit splits in the Dark Elves release for inspiration, it's not too hard to figure out what's coming.

These latest set descriptions dovetail almost exactly with Spanish rumors from early November.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Dwarfai su nauju WD ateina!:) Ar bent jau kazkas tokio...
Mazas sneak peek:
Siaip dwarfu leidimo turbut labiausiai laukiu, nes tai unikali WHFB rase, bus labai idomu kaip jie pasikeis. Kaip bus su runom? kaip veiks anvilas? ir tt
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Antrinu Marukui. Pastaruoju metu buvau gerokai nutolęs nuo WH, bet su dwarfų atėjimu (ekhem... grįžimu) nežinau, kaip čia bus
Dwarfs / Skaven
Dar daugiau dwarfu! Hammereriai ir slayeris:
slayeris dinamiskas na turbut tai pirma dinamiska dwarfu figurele is GW, geras darbas
Hummoristai irgi atrodo neblogai, plius panasu kad ju sarvai bus galingi... Paprasti dwarfu warriorai salia ju atrodys kiek skurdokai
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :
Aha, sitas slayeris tai kaip nuo Gotreko ir Felixo virselio nuzenges:)
Kazkaip galvojau, kad hammereriai Gromrila su nauju fluffu pakeite. Man is tiesu idomu, ka GW galvoja apie pardavimus ir ar darys toki "deal'a", koks dabar yra su tyranidais, kur realiai sutaupai 50%