Posts: 1
Joined: 2014-02-01
Vasario 15 diena atsidaro naujas WoW Wotlk serverio realmas - Algalon. Kaip patys developeriai sako - true blizzlike realmas x1 reitai, vienas geriausiai scriptintu private Wotlk serveriu kiek teke paciam matyt, veikiantys visi raidai, arenos, achievementai. Pradzia bus nuo Naxxramas laiku ir 5 arenos sezono, po kiek laiko bus dedamas vis naujas contentas taip kaip buvo retaile t.y. Ulduaras, ToC, Icc ir RS. Jei dar kam norisi prisimint gerus laikus, pabandykit. Nemanau, kad pasigailesit!
Cia ju paciu skelbimas ->
Algalon, The WotLK Progressive Realm Release: February 15th - Dalaran-WoW.
Were you searching about one progressive realm based in WotLK, with stunning quality and with the blizzlike feeling and essence of the old times? The private server Dalaran-WoW releases their second realm on February 15th: Algalon. That will be the first and unique progressive realm out there. Make your home here.
-Official Website: http://www.dalaran-wow.com -Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dalaranwow -Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DalaranWoWcommunity