GW pletkai :)
Marukas | posted 2014-08-13 14:57 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
[small] "my source has told me information about some plans by Games Workshop: By Summer next year all 40k Softcover will be replaced. Until 40k will be focused. After that, the releases scaled back. The number of supplement releases will be constantly; no increases in 2015. Translation of existing supplements. The next CSM codex is in the "pre-production". Adam Troke was commissioned to find out how to represent the legions (cult too) in the new Codex. In the second half of 2015, Fantasy will play the main role including a new Edition. Warhammer Visions sells not well at all. Maybe the next incarnation of the WD. Dark Eldar will most probably come next. The four codices for replace the last softcovers are all complete. Theoretically, GW can publish them all in 2014. Sororitas were written by phil kelly already in 2013. Problems with the molds prevent the publication. Necrons and Dark Eldar are getting for their codex publications only few new Models. Both systems have only three regular rule writer. The writers for 40k are Robin Cruddace & Simon Grant. Fantasy has Phil Kelly & Jeremy Vetock. Jervis Johnson is in both games the senior writer."[/small] Galima suprasti Kad 2015 gausim nauja edicija, o svarbiausia naujiena , kad Matt Ward has left the building Taigi no more OP knygu Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
Craghack | posted 2014-08-13 15:56 |
Posts: 391 Joined: 2007-10-22 |
Hm, o as girdejau, kad artimiausi yra Grey Knightai. Galbut po ju ateis eile Dark Eldaram. Siaip, galetu i ta tarpa ir fantasy nauja army booka isegt...pvz, Bretonus arba Beastmenus, del ju (ne)draugystes su Wood Elfais |
lostangel | posted 2014-08-13 17:17 |
Posts: 1050 Joined: 2007-11-07 |
laukiam bretonu laukiam
WHFB games 4, 6, 7, 8 edicijos
Bretonnia 6000 pt Demons of Chaos 8000 pt For the Lady |
Craghack | posted 2014-08-15 12:45 |
Posts: 391 Joined: 2007-10-22 | Nagashas ateina? Dziugi zinia TK/VC zaidejam? :> |
Marukas | posted 2014-08-21 15:23 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
The master plan is for GW to have fully phased out ALL softcover codices/armybooks for both 40K AND WFB by summer 2015. That leaves the following books for them to crank out in the next nine months: Dark Eldar Blood Angels Necrons Bretonnia Skaven Beastmen Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
TerTer | posted 2014-08-21 16:00 |
Posts: 1592 Joined: 2011-12-03 |
Hm... Nors ir nezaidziu WHFB ir 40K, bet labai butu idomu pamatyti Skavens ir Necrons naujas knygas, gal noras atsirastu pradeti
Viskas prasideda nuo idėjos!
Warmachine/Hordes: Cygnar Flames of War: Germans X-Wing: Rebels |
Craghack | posted 2014-08-21 17:47 |
Posts: 391 Joined: 2007-10-22 |
Ouch, kaip Bretonai negreit O Beastmenam isvis... Kartu iki ju isleidimo taip pat galima nesitiket ir jokios WHF related BL literaturos :/ |
lostangel | posted 2014-08-21 18:10 |
Posts: 1050 Joined: 2007-11-07 |
bretonai zaidzia su 6ed knyga, skavenai ir beastai su 7 ed... taigi laukiant naujos bretonu knygos jau daug metu, keli menesiai nieko nereiskia WHFB games 4, 6, 7, 8 edicijos
Bretonnia 6000 pt Demons of Chaos 8000 pt For the Lady |
Marukas | posted 2014-09-04 13:47 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
Gandai is BOLS Just got some news from several sources concerning the strong possibility of 9th edition Warhammer Fantasy. 1) Coming tomorrow to a GW near you will be a series of new posters for in store advertisement for something BIG as the corporate email stated. 2) Some GW stores are finding Island of Blood sets are being zeroed out of their system for restock. Similar when Dark Vengeance happened to Assault on Black Reach. 3) This part is speculation: Bretonnians are going to be playing a big part in the Nagash saga in the beginning, it is believed the following is going to happen: a) Pre-Order for 9th Edition will be Sept 13th (with special editions - standard new edition merchandising) b) October will receive the new box edition (if standard releases from past is an indicator) which may contain Bretonnians and Undead. c) Bretonnians will have a new Army book, model release following that, possibly into November before the Christmas packs roll in. d) intermingled among these releases will be probably some filler models (repackaged Crom/Valten/etc.), army bundles, etc. 4) Not of speculation, though it must be considered rumor, I (and a few chosen) have personally seen new artwork by John Blanche for Bretonnians. Does this mean it will be in the new book? No idea, but sometimes his stuff is used for the sculptors to pull concept to model. Or we could be really blindsided by everything and it be 25 new paints (not very likely), Dark Eldar (possible) or something ridiculous like a mass Hobbit release. GW likes to have a strong second quarter launch that will help carry through 3rd quarter (end of February). Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
Marukas | posted 2014-10-21 15:11 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
Taigi pagal gandus Imperijos Altdorfo provincija kris o hihgh elfas nutiks kazkas blogo - Apparently Altdorf (capitol of The Empire) falls! - Something very bad happens to the Elves... (probably deserved) via Warseer's Sexiest_Hero 10-20-2014 A lot of people are gonna be mad when the elf book hits, fluff wise I think. Mildly irritated. I think a lot of people get caught up in the Noble High elf them when in truth it's more petty high school drama. Look for their pride arrogance and lust to be their downfall. Arrogance most of all. I hear a little bit from a fluff fairy. ...People have a romanticized view of high elves, as good or noble. They are a force of Order. The elves will not save the day with another great Vortex. Things will get as bad for their island and the Empire Woodelves and Britonia. You already see the petty things they have done in the first book. Well you haven't seen petty yet. Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
Luxis | posted 2014-10-23 14:37 |
Posts: 701 Joined: 2011-02-13 |
Taigi, buvo malonu šiuos metus žaisti WHFB. Manau, spalio 25 turnyras bus mano paskutinis pabandymas, o toliau - kas nors kito. Arba house-rules, arba Kings of War. Na ir skirmišai, be abejonės. |
Kronas | posted 2014-10-23 14:40 |
Posts: 1464 Joined: 2007-04-16 |
9ed vėl grįžtam prie Herohammer'io?..
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster. If you kill a hundred you are a hero. If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror! Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev |
Marukas | posted 2014-10-23 18:08 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
idomiai cia, is giedro dangaus naujienos nu bet yra ir pliusu bus ziauriai nebrangu pradeti zaisti, nusiperki 2 vampyrus lordus ir jau 1000pts tada dar heroju uz 900pts nu ir core junitu uz 600pts, ir jau turi 2400pts armija, o isleidi kokius 300 Lt.
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
TerTer | posted 2014-10-23 21:12 |
Posts: 1592 Joined: 2011-12-03 |
Pliusas aisku pigiai zaist galima
Viskas prasideda nuo idėjos!
Warmachine/Hordes: Cygnar Flames of War: Germans X-Wing: Rebels |
Marukas | posted 2014-10-23 22:28 |
Posts: 3143 Joined: 2010-09-09 |
Herohammeris sunkiai gausis, nes lordai silpnesni nei anksciau, pvz. Grimgoras turi tik 5 atakas is kazkada buvusiu 7... Slanas neturi "viena imu viena gaunu" Plius nebus tokiu bajeriu kaip buvo 7ed, kad iskirtus pirma eile negauni ataku atgal ir laimi,dabar gi vyrai stos i zuvusiu vieta ir des i duda kietam lordui 1 vampyras lordas nenugales 40 great swordu, o tasku abu kainuoja panasiai... Bet yra akivaizdus pliusas naujokas gales labai lengvai isitraukti i zaidima isleides vos pora 100lt. Tie kas nekencia dazyti, taip pat gales greiciau istatyti pilnai dazyta armija, nusidazai 2 dumbulius, arba 2 tirantus ir jau 1000 tasku BSB plius pora heroju ir jau 1800pts Aisku galime izvelgti ir pavoju, pvz. su chaos warrioru listais, turbut drasiai tilps 2 demon princai? nezinau ka demonai gali susidelioti idomaus. Hordes-Trollbloods
WM-Khador mk2:W-11,L-15 mk3:W-9,D-1,L-5 Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force Malifaux-The Guild Blogas apie miniatiuras : |
lostangel | posted 2014-10-23 22:49 |
Posts: 1050 Joined: 2007-11-07 |
demonu, chaos warioru kad butu smagiau iseina kazkokie baisus 3 monstrai nurglo lordai, jojantys ant kazkokiu zveriu, visi kainuoja po kruva svaru ir aisku puikiai tilps i naujus 50 proc armijos.. ju statistiku nemaciau... leva... manau tips 3 demon princai, 2 buvo galima ir dabar sugrusti i 2400 pt...(aisku ne max uzturbinus) as visai nemegstu hero hamerio, ipac isvelgiant is zmoniu puses... o ka bretonai gaus.. ir dezemis monstru lordu?? mes visi ziurim is 8 ed pozicijos, galbut 9 pakeis tokias kritines vietas kaip steadfastas... liudnoka butu dziaugiasi chaoso, vampyru zaidejai. kitus nzn ar itin dziugina.... WHFB games 4, 6, 7, 8 edicijos
Bretonnia 6000 pt Demons of Chaos 8000 pt For the Lady |
Kronas | posted 2014-10-31 00:21 |
Posts: 1464 Joined: 2007-04-16 |
Apie knygų mažėjimą... If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster. If you kill a hundred you are a hero. If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror! Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev |
Kronas | posted 2014-11-18 12:02 |
Posts: 1464 Joined: 2007-04-16 |
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster. If you kill a hundred you are a hero. If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror! Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev |
Kronas | posted 2014-11-19 09:27 |
Posts: 1464 Joined: 2007-04-16 |
The End Times for Warhammer... If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster. If you kill a hundred you are a hero. If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror! Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev |
Craghack | posted 2014-11-19 12:31 |
Posts: 391 Joined: 2007-10-22 |
Man idomu, kiek surio butu galima isspaust is triju elfu armiju Bet abejoju, kad sitas pasidarys standartiniu modeliu. O net jei 'oficialiai' bus galima, tai visokie ETC nufiltruos. Nepaisant zaidybines puses, flufas tikrai intriguoja. Imciau Gav Thorpe's novele, bet nacher, kolekcija nebebutu pilna. Nors imk ir persiplesk, nes sotfcoveri isleis tik koki birzeli Edited Craghack 2014-11-19 12:33 |