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Frozen death WH40k turnyras
Sveiki visi planuojame turnyrą 2016-02-07. Yra du variantai:

1. 1850 pts,su super heavies, no unbound, maelstorm misijos, su kill points secondary.
2. Combat patrol turnyro pakartojimas (nes visiems labai patiko).

Balsuojam iki kito trečiadienio (2016-01-20) ir tada skelbsim koks bus turnyras, renkamės ko norėsit tą gausit.
Edited Sir_Vicious 2016-01-18 11:06
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing
1-as variantas. pls
Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves ~3000pts, Orks ~750pts
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]
Pakoreguota data į sekmadienį (2016.02.07)
Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer.

WH40K - Blood Angels
Infinity - Yu Jing
I'm in, CSM+Daemons.
-But the mindless violence is wrong!
-fortunately, I'm not mindless:]