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Nauji Tomb King'ai ir kitos sapalionės :]
Na, šįkart GW ilgai netruko ir paskelbė sekančią leidinių bangą.
Naujų TK sulauksime jau Gegužę.

Citata iš GW naujienų:
Rejoice tomb kings players

An ancient race that has lain dormant for thousands of years, the Tomb Kings now awaken from within their ancient burial pyramids. Cheated from the eternal life that they were promised, the Tomb Kings are instead doomed to an eternal undeath - awakened they thirst for vengeance against those who would disturb their slumber.

At the command of these undying lords march legions of implacable Skeleton Warriors, hosts of chariots crewed by long-dead crewmen and towering statues carved from unyielding stone.

The armies of the Tomb Kings are vast, unstoppable hordes that know neither fear nor remorse - and they shall not rest until all who stand against them are laid low.

This May Warhammer: Tomb Kings is released, containing everything you need to use the legions of Nehekhara in your games of Warhammer.

Alongside the new book we'll also be releases a slew of amazing new miniatures for Tomb Kings players to collect and add to their armies. Details are being kept firmly under wraps for now, but more details will be available over the coming months. To make sure you're the first to see the new models and read the latest news keep your eyes fixed to the pages of White Dwarf, the Games Workshop newsletter and the What's New Today blog.

In the meantime, if you're a Tomb Kings player (or thinking about becoming one) it's time to start building up your Undead hordes in preparation for the new arrivals. So, out with the large drybrush (and the pot of Bleached Bone) and onwards to glory!

Presented below are two exclusive sneak peeks at the upcoming releases. Please keep checking back on the website, and in White Dwarf for more information in the near future.

Redagavo WhiteDragon 2011-04-07 11:59
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Manau nujaučiate kaip aš pasijaučiau
Just small amount of people know - what to do with freedom!!! Just few of us deserve real freedom!
Kauno WHFB Legato klubas
WHFB : Vampire counts 1000pt / Ogre Kingdoms 3000pt / Tomb Kings 2800pt / Dwarfs 3000pt / O&G 1500pt
DW : Russian coalition
Tik tiek, kad paisrodys geguze, ne kova O siaip smagu girdet Kaip suprantu, daug greiciau suka army booku releasus, nei manyta ir nei anksciau, kas leidzia tiketis, kad sulauksim daug greiciau ir kitu release'u:)
Labai tikiuos kad islaikys toki tempa Du army bookai per pusmeti tai reiskia 4 per metus o cia jau awsome. ograi suplanuoti rugpjuti tad speju neatsilieka kolkas nuo planu
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Teisingai, gegužę
Jo, TK tai perleidimo žūtbūt reikėjo 8tai edicijai.

Kitos 2 šių metų armijos turėtų būt WE ir Ograi, nors ir bretonams tikrai nepamaišytų perleidimas.
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
bretonnia kaip visados laukia...
kagi gal kada nors sulauksim:)
WHFB games 4, 6, 7, 8 edicijos
Bretonnia 6000 pt
Demons of Chaos 8000 pt
For the Lady
O gal kas žino kada Wood Elves planuojami? Draugas laaabai jų laukia...
Rats as tall as man, and blessed with the most vile intellect and cunning. They are the dark side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins. (Albrecht of Nuln)
Grahg the Elfmuncher
Plaukai parašė:
O gal kas žino kada Wood Elves planuojami? Draugas laaabai jų laukia...

Kolkas jokių konkrečių gandų apie juos nėra, tai jie tikėtina kad arčiausiai šių metų gale or vėliausiai tai velnas žino kada.
Redagavo Grahg the Elfmuncher 2011-02-22 21:37
siokie tokie gandai

* First Wave no new core skellies, second or third wave you will get them.
* The Screaming Skull is (as I suspected) going to be turned into a huge plastic kit much the same size as the Skaven Catapult.
* Expect a new core (Mummies)
* Chariots remain core. (Obvious but I put it out there anyway.) This puts two good looking core.
* New Tomb Guard (Obvious) Whats not obvious are the large array of options in this kit - There are bare skeleton heads in here which you can use to put on the Tomb Guard to use as core skellies or you can put some of the heads on the current skellies to spiff them up, or mix and match the two kits. Bows, Halbreds, Great weapons are options in this kit as well as HW/S
* New plastic Scorpion, various builds
* New plastic Bone Giant, various builds
* New Metal Blister Characters/Heroes (LOTS of these)
* New Plastic HQ Chariot (On of the pics on GW article shows a portion of this apparently)
* Apparently there is more of a chariot theme going throughout the book, more versions of chariots in rare, special, HQ.
* Some of these may be Wave 2 or 2.5
* I blew off everything that I heard in this post, so questions are pointless if directed at me, sorry.
* (EDIT) Forgot new cavalry models, apparently a way to make them core as well as special.

There are Knights and Stalkers (each with some tombkingesq name) coming out in the one box set, which i presume are Light and Heavy cav.

There are two types of sphynx as well - I'm guessing, but I think one is magic orientated and one combat orientated. One is a warsphinx or something like that, the other a necro-something (something like necromancer) sphinx.

I don't think these are all of the models to be released either, as there were no characters/blisters listed, so probably some extra stuff as well. No skeles are (so far) in the initial release.
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
Ho ho ho, foto jau čia:


Ir šiek tiek apie modelius in-game:

Book is hardcover.

About the new models:
- Can be used as mount for Tomb King or Tomb Prince, or Tomb Guard, with a base to mount the Tomb King on foot
- Special choice
- Can have poison attacks and/or breath weapon
- The one with the face and wings has heroic killing blow
- Theres another version called the Necrosphinx
- "Thundercrush" attack

Necropolis knights:
- Riders have killing blow
- will have an equivalent It came from below rule
- mounts have poison attacks
- monstrous cavalry

Sepulcre stalkers:
- monstrous beasts
- It came from below
- Gaze that turns enemies into sand

Tomb guard:
- remain special

- Still dont suffer modifiers to hit.

- D6 impact hits.
- Each rank adds +1strength to the impact hits

Skeleton cavalry:
- Archers get scout
- Both get Vanguard

Na, įspūdinga. Įdomu kas su TK magija padaryta...
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
Voooooo sitooo as laukiauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Zaciotas kolkas bent jau
P.S. Jau advance orderis yra tai daugiau foto puslapi.
pagaliau su Sauliumi bus galima lygevertiskai zaisti, nauji TK atrodo awsome ir gan stiprus
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Nu ka.. bus idomu, panasu kad tomb kingai gavo rimtu kombatiniu unitu, idomu kas bus su magija?

Nu bet GW ir toliau stebina su savo kainu politika... 10 tomb guardu 25 svarai...... well done....:o
Redagavo Marukas 2011-04-06 16:08
Infinity- Haqqislam,Morat Aggression Force
Malifaux-The Guild

Blogas apie miniatiuras :http://mwargaming.blogspot.com/
i kainas neatkreipiau demesio, sick kainos :o reik lizardu prisipirk pries nauja knyga bo bus ragaisis.
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Taip, viskas prasidėjo imperijos "goldswordais", vėliau beastmanų "goldigorais", o dabar turime "gold guardus"

Ir sklando gandai, kad GW nustoja leisti metalą :/ liks tik plastikas ir resin'as. Ir dar viena proga pakelti kainas...
If you kill one man you are murderer.
If you kill ten you are a monster.
If you kill a hundred you are a hero.
If you kill ten thousand you are a conqueror!
Boyar Aleksandr of Kislev
na as tai uz plastika visom keturiom, bet tai kaina nuo metalo per figurke skiriasi 1 litu tai ka zn
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Is tikruju GW pakeis savo metaline figureliu politika. Pasistengs pereiti prie plastika (rasin????)
Problema kad metalo kaina pastaroji metu labai padidejo. Nuo sausio iki dabar kaina padidejo virs 30 proc. Ir sausio men kaina buvo jau labai, labai auksta. Pagal prognozes kaina dar labiau kils. (Ir tam yra daug objektyviu priezasciu) Jeigu tai tiesia, tada miniaturu rinkoje galima tiketi dar daug kainu pakilimu
nesuprantu kaip taip gali kainos kilt, kad ir plastiko kainos kosmines.
Gi ten padaro stampa ir stampuoja be sustojimo tapati per tapati, tai jei plastikine vienkartine sakute 0.05lt kainuoja ir dar sugeba pelno gaut tai kodel plastikine figurele 10+lt kainuoja? tai prasme taip brangiau nei ta vienkartine sakute turetu but bet ne tiek kartu, gaminimo principas tai tas pats, siektiek plastikas geresnis ir vsio. sitiek metu firma dirba tie aparatai kurie stampuoja seniai turejo atsipirkt per visus galus o kainos vis kyla, zmoniu hobi daugeja, kainos kyla, is metalo pereina i plastika kaina vos ne tapati. Kazkaip eina pries visus ekonomikos studijose destomus rinkos desnius.... nezinau ka jie galvoja
Kauno "Legatas" klubo prezidentas.
Kreipkitės, padėsiu

X-wing: just Scum & no villains
Infinity: CA
Jo cia tikrai ne žaliavu tiekeju kalte kad kainos GW tokios, paziurekite Mantic ar kitu gamintoju kainas, jos perpus pigesnes. O GW paprasciausiai pardavimo politika tokia, melžiam hobbistus kol jiem atšoks noras mokėti.