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Open Lithuanian WHF Campionship 2009: 'Lithuania 1009'
Here comes a tournament report from slow Estonians

First of all, thanks for organizing it - I liked it a lot. Comments ont eh organizational part follow

Venue: it was excellent. It's really good to have this much space in your backyard, right in the center of the city. For me, the place was extra convenient, as I have a friend from university living 2 minutes walk away

Terrain: the setup of the terrain on the tables was more or less balanced. There were open places, as well as places to hide. I wouldn't say that terrain favoured any type of armies, really.

As to the aesthetical part of terrain, this is a thing that could be improved. The first and easiest step to improve it would be to buy usual green (or some other suitable color) cloth to put on top of each table - it immediately starts to look much better. Also, the woods need to be improved. Many shops sell trees, and here in Estonia we once bought a really big amount of woods for a tournament for something like 10 euro (don't really remember the price).

Rules: I think the rules pack was fairly balanced, and the points amount was also suitable.

Judging: this was done in a fast and efficient manner in those few cases where I or my opponent needed a judge.


Now, the report about the battles I fought.

In general, this tournament for me was a practice in playing against vampires. I had an army with a lot of shooting (2 units of 9 shades, 2 RBT, 2 x 5 dark riders, 10 crossbowmen), a lord on dragon, a BSB on chariot, a caddy, two assassins (one specializing in character killing, the other at shooting at big badass stuff), and two untis of harpies. The only model with magical attacks was my BSB. Also, all my magic defense was 3DD, 2 scrolls and the ring. This means that vampires were a tough matchup for me (daemons would have been easier than vampires).

I. First game was against Konrad, who in the end won the tournament. I learned a lot about the ways in which vampires are power-gamed. Nevertheless, I didn't make many mistakes, and even managed to surprise my opponent with my BSB, who significantly reduced the amount of wraiths (from 8 to 2 or 3), and another surprise was with harpies killing one of the necromancers.

Sadly, I made one mistake that has cost me my dragon. Namely, in approximately turn 3 (or 4) I placed my dragon on a hill in a manner that the wolves behind the hill could see him (in Estonia, in a similar situation, they would not see the dragon, that's why I placed him there - it simply didn't even occur to my that the dragon actually is seeable there). This allowed Konrad to hold my dragon in place for long enough to get his tomb guards into a place for vanhelling them into my lord.

Due to this, I lost by 400-something points. A minor loss, I suppose. Could have been a minor victory, if not for this mistake.

II. Second game was against tomb kings. My opponent had a non-standard army - a lot of chariots, and not so much shooting. My army, however, is not afraid of chariots, and the dragon is not afraid of anything except warmachines and ethereals. Needless to say, this was an unfair match up, heavily weighted in my favour. So, as a result, I won by massacre.

III. Third game was against Karlee and his vampires. Turn 1 - my shooting kills almost nothing. Then in Karlee's turn his remaining 13 or 12 black knights march right into my face, and his units of bats grow to 5 and 8 models respectively. This is when I panicked and made a big mistake. I charged the deathstar with my dragon, and two units of shades. All could have ended well, but the unit of shades which contained my hero-killing assassin failed the fear test. My intention was to kill the BSB, hence removing regeneration , and then chew some knights. However, as this wasn't done, I instead lost combat by 5 and was destroyed. Pretty much end of game (although I tried a gamble later with an overrun over brunonas into the unit containing the general, but this didn't work; otherwise, it could have turned the massacre into a minor loss or a draw for me).

IV. Fourth game was against Druchii by Valdis. This was a very unorthodox setup with no dragon, and a lord on foot. It also contained a unit of cold one knights with rather good protection from shooting. However, there was absolutely nothing that Valdis could do against my massive shooting (including my dragon, who is also a shooter). Black guard never got into combat - they died from arrows. Cold ones got into combat after getting reduced to three models (including the hero) - but the shade unit where they got contained the hero-killing assassin, who first killed the hero, and in the next round the remaining two knights. So another massacre.

V. Fifth battle was against Mindaugas and his very unorthodox vampires. Mindaugas wasn't very aggressive with his vampires, and that's why he only got a minor victory (he didn't get control of a single objective marker, because his ghouls were sitting in the back for the whole game). For me, the main trouble was in chasing any valuable targets. I really wanted to catch his general, but this was basically impossible, as he could always just fly away. I also couldn't do absolutely anything against the wraiths, as his general destroyed my BSB. Of course, I massacred his six black knights with no regeneration banner with my shades and the hero-killer assassin. Still, with just three units playing the game (wraiths, general and varghulf), Mindaugas scored much more points from me than I scored from him. I minor loss for me.

Biggest lesson: give the dragonlord a magical weapon.
2nd biggest lesson: don't charge deathstars, shoot them.
3rd biggest lesson: when not playing at home, be very aware of the differences in interpreting terrain.

Also, big thanks to all of my opponents. Guys, you were great and very sporting. We never had any serious arguments, only small rules issues for clarification. I had four interesting games (I unfortunately spoiled the pleasure of the game against Karlee by making a big mistake in my round two; sorry, Karlee), and I'd gladly play against these people again.
I'd like to thank everyone:

-Rudolph - for running a very nice shop and organising a great tournament
-Zylvinas - for accomodation and his general hospitality
-all the people I played with and talked to
-and my passengers from the car for not letting me to fall asleep on our way home ;).

the venue was great in terms of gaming conditions, as were the prizes and general atmosphere. It was a very nice weekend in a beautiful city, with great people - maybe we just had a bit too much on the night from saturday to sunday

thanks everyone and see you again. If anyone cares to come to Poland to play warhammer - we invite you with open arms, accomodation and so on is of course provided by us :).

cheers everyone.
Kronas parašė:
Dėkui organizatoriams. Buvo smagus savaitgalis.

Gal būtų galima čia patalpinti pilnus galutinius rezultatus?
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Bus kai atsigausiu
4 Rifles
Hello guys
First of al I`d like to thank you all for such a nice and warm welcome. Special thanks for Donatas for everything he done for me and my wife. It was very nice to be your guest for quite long time. We just felt like at home. Last night of havy drinking with havy politics and warhammer talks and my favorite movie priekrasnuju Dieviatuju Rotu (very nice of you).
Thanks for Taulen for his and his friends company in all the pubs we were. Such a nice guy he was he I saw him first time - look at him now
The event was fantastic. Very nice shop, plenty of space nicely renovated basement. Rudolf did a good work in preparing the tournment.
A word about terrains. Some of the tabes were not really like they sholud be. Terrains were to big, like rivers acros the whole table or in one corner of the table, what effects in tricky and hard game for some armies. Just a sugestion, there should be 6 - 7 not to big terrains on the 48-72 table. One side with terrains for playing defensively the other much less defensive. So there is a point of chosing this side for some armies.
My rooster
Vampire Lord, Forbidden Lore, Dark Acolyte, Summon Ghouls, Summon Creatures of the Night, Skull Staff, Helm of Commandment, Bitting Blade.
Vampire BSB, Walking Death, Infinite Hatred, Sword of Might, Flayed Hauberk, Talisman of Lycni.
Necro, 2xdispell scroll
Necro, Book of Arkhan
3x10 Ghouls, every unit whit the champion
6 Dire Wolfes with Doom Wolf
2x3 Fell Bats
20 Grave guard with Great weapons, full command and Banner of the Barrows
8 Wrights with the Banshee

First battle - against Dark Elves - Lakkisov
Nice batle I played offensively advancing, building army, taking casulties from the crosbow fire. May mistake with Vargulf(forgot about assasin) his mistake with the Dragon minor victory. He wrote relation so my is a short one. Thanks for the battle. Nice to played against you.
Next battle Cronas and his lizardmen containing a Slann in the unit of Temple Guard 3 stegadon from wchich one was Engine of the Gods, Terradon Rider, 2 skink kohorts, 2 skink skirmishers a unit of Saurus Wariors with the BSB.
Many mistakes from my opponent, bad deployment, his advance to my army in the first turn when he should play defensilvely :o his unit of Saurus Warriors with BSB blocked by his other units so on, so on. Result massacre with only two ordinary stegadons left on the table. When they sholud be slain, fighting 8 combats against my ghouls and bats from the flank none taking even one wound.
Third battle against Zulus VC complete drow miror armies nothing special to write about.
Fourth Battle against Pavlus and his Empire. two units of 20 flagelant, 5 outriders, 2 cannons, Archlector on War Altar, 3 second level mages on horses, 2 units of Knights with command one with War Banner, hellblaster.
Again many mistakes, very, very bad deployment, massacre. I`ve made a big mistake also, which could cost me dearly having moved a unit of ghouls with the general and exposing my flank for the charge of his Archlector thru the forrest. Lucky he couldnt be i contact with my general.
Last BaTtle against Karlee and his VC
Actually he did one big mistake letting me to charge his Death Lance of Black Knights with two Wampires inside with my unit of Grave Guard. Another mistake with my wraiths charging again his gholus and overruning in to his unit of wraiths. Result massacre to the last model, whith only a unit of wolfes lost from my army.
All batlles very nice without any disagreements, just short rules claryfications. Very though battle with Karlee but very nice without any problems.
Fantastic time for me and my wife. I haven`t been in Wilniius for something like 15 years. Amazing City many things changed since my last visit. I`m happy both our countries in EU.
Kisess from my wife to all of you guys, miss you already, se you next time.
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varnas parašė:
15. Points: 65 Foxtree ( Foxtree – the master of horned rats, master of fluffy rats … )

I was too [color=purple]"FLUFFY"[/color] thats why im in the last place B)
and btw foxtrinee =/= foxtree
Karlee photos ?
I don't have them right now, ask Zi Zi, he has them all